Closing date: 24 Jul 2017
Action Against Hunger is currently recruiting an independent consultant with experience in Nutrition/WaSH/Emergency Response for the independent final evaluation of Nutrition Emergency/Nutrition Emergency Pool in DRC (PUNC)/DR-Congo’ in Democratic Republic of Congo.
The start date of the evaluation is intended for 1st August 2017 and should run through to 18th September 2017. This will comprise of approximately 35 days of work.
The full Terms of References and application requirements can be found on the ACF-UK website.
The deadline to submit applications for the evaluation is by midnight on September 24th, 2016.
How to apply:
Applicants should submit their application via e-mail to and indicate: ‘Gender Programming Evaluation’ in the e-mail’s subject line.
Contact: Hannah Wichterich, Evaluations and Knowledge Sharing Officer,