GNDR is a member-led global network of civil society organisations for disaster reduction. We have more than 1,500 members across 129 countries. Our vision is a world in which everyone works together to strengthen the resilience of people most at risk and prevent hazards from becoming disasters.
GNDR is currently implementing the BMZ funded programme Local leadership for Global Impact (LLGI). The aim of the project is for communities to be more resilient to complex disasters.
In the midst of a pandemic and when multiple national and international frameworks were grappling with how to address risks that were increasing in frequency, intensity and becoming more complex, GNDR – in partnership with Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe – launched an ambitious programme to address the lack of local actors in key decision making spaces. Since then, over 800 civil society organisations from over 50 countries have been actively engaged in research, action and advocacy to see those living on the front line of risk lead planning decisions to reduce disaster risk. Its implementation has been seen in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, West Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean.
LLGI has championed calls to action on risk-informed development, addressing the climate crisis and scaling up locally led anticipatory action, and aimed to address three specific problem areas:
- Ensuring all development considered the underlying drivers of risk by ensuring local data informed holistic development actions
- Effectively reducing disaster risk in the context of unknown climate change by ensuring climate projections are used by local actors to plan for future disasters
- Ensuring longer-term resilience is built whilst responding to emergencies through approaches contributing to community resilience are applied in local government contingency planning
Purpose and scope of the consultancy
GNDR is seeking a consultant to conduct an evaluation of the programme, verifying the achievements made. The full terms of reference for can be downloaded from our website.
The evaluation is a final project evaluation. It will cover all activities that have taken place since the beginning of the project (October 2020) until the final evaluation (April 2024).
The overall purpose of the final evaluation is to:
- Verify evidence of change already collected by evaluating both qualitative and quantitative data against the project’s indicators over the whole project period; capturing achievements of the programme’s results and indicators; going beyond the recommendations of the annual reviews.
- Collect final evaluation data for outcome measurement
- Discuss overall performance of the project, including details of any discrepancies between expected and actual results and any recommendations for improving the design of the program.
- Draw lessons, success stories and an explanation of successes achieved, constraint encountered and adjustments made, leading to concrete recommendations contributing towards
- Programme goal and outcomes
- Overall GNDR strategy 2021-2025
- Showcase examples of change of policies and practices and lessons learnt particularly in the areas of challenges faced by displaced populations in urban areas to strengthen the collaborations across levels for building a coherent approach towards resilience.
- Showcase examples of how the programme has ensured accountability towards the communities most at risk
For the purposes of this evaluation, the key questions identified by the stakeholders were organised in line with OECD DAC criteria under several main evaluation criteria: relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability and (road to) impact. Furthermore, the evaluation will look at capacity development, partnerships, visibility and results-based management (RBM)/monitoring/evaluation as cross-cutting themes.
- Inception report, including a detailed methodology, list of interviewees and tools for the evaluation
- Draft and final evaluation report in English addressing the evaluation questions and including:
- Executive summary of key findings and recommendations
- Evaluation findings, analysis and conclusions with associated evidence and data clearly illustrated. Use of tables, graphs, quotes, anecdotes and stories to illustrate findings and conclusions is encouraged
- Case studies, which should illustrate stories of the impact of GNDR, DKH and local implementing partners on specific policies, processes and their implementation
- Recommendations for the next actions, which should be practical and linked directly to conclusions
- Appendices, including methodology and evaluation tools, list of interviewees/interview dates, questionnaire, and brief biography of evaluator(s)
- Presentations of final findings to GNDR Secretariat, DKH staff and LLGI programme team
Candidate requirements
The consultant should have the following qualifications and experience:
- Relevant academic degree
- A minimum of ten years’ experience and expertise in the non-profit sector, preferably networks in the field of development and linked to networks
- At least three evaluations in the last five years, ideally impact evaluations, and experience of focusing on capacity strengthening, advocacy and policy and/or themes of risk-informed development or disaster risk reduction. At least one evaluation should have been remotely conducted in the last two years
- Demonstrated experience of evaluation involving qualitative data and ‘soft’ outcomes
- Working experience in several countries and continents
- Experience in project cycle management
- Excellent oral and written English skills
- Demonstrated experience of evaluating multi-country projects that are funded by BHA
- Capacity to study documentation and conduct interviews in English, French, Portuguese and/or Spanish
The majority of the work will be completed remotely and so candidates must be able to work and support the project team remotely and to respond to queries in a timely manner. There may be a window of opportunity for international travel (20-22 February 2024 in Kenya and one other period of 3-5 TBC). Applicants will therefore be required to have a valid passport and other documentation to secure entry into the selected countries. Whilst GNDR will cover costs of the visit, costs for new passports and necessary vaccinations will not be covered.
Start date
Duration of assignment is: 8 January 2024 – 22 March 2024. After completion of the work, the consultant should be available until 30 April 2024 should any queries arise.
Please go to our website for further information including full specification of services.
How to apply
Please submit the technical proposal to Elise Belcher (Project Coordinator) at, copying, with attachments and the subject line “Final evaluation: LLGI” on or before Monday 4 December 2023.
GNDR is a non-profit organisation that leaves no room for any form of discrimination. As an international charity, GNDR strives to be inclusive in all its activities, and encourages applicants of Black, Asian and ethnic minority backgrounds for all roles and regions.
Please go to our website for further information including full specification of services.
Kindly note if you do not not receive any communication from GNDR by Friday 22 December, please consider your application unsuccessful.